Doll Display Area Upgrades

A couple weekends ago, we went to IKEA with the mission of obtaining some new display cases and lighting. $350 later, we ended up with new display cases, lighting, and pieces for upgrading the doll display area! XD


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A new outfit

This Christmas, my mom decided to work on some doll clothes for my girls. Her first attempt was inspired by a traditional China Dress and some fabric she found at the fabric store. The outfit was originally designed to fit an L bust DD2, however I found it also fits well on an M bust!


The dress fits Sakura perfectly and gives her something new to wear aside from her default. Since she’s the only L bust in my collection, I don’t have much that was custom tailored for her… Sad smile

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Going Wide (Tokina 12-24 AT-X Pro)

It’s been quite awhile, hasn’t it! A couple weeks ago, I picked up a new lens to add to my collection. Introducing the Tokina 12-24mm f/4.0 wide angle!


I’ve been lusting after a wide angle for some time now and I’d been considering this lens. At an MSRP of $399 for the initial AT-X Pro version ($499 for the AT-X Pro II) seemed a bargain compared to the $1000+ price tag of the Nikon equivalent. Even better, I got mine used from a local camera shop for less than that! A sucker for a good deal (and even nicer glass), I went ahead and picked it up. This would be my second piece of glass from Tokina, the first being the 100mm AT-X Pro Macro lens.

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Going to a doll meet!

Last weekend, I took the 2 hour trip up to Greensboro, NC for my very first Doll Meet Up from the Den of Angels forum. It was being held at The Doll Market, a rather large shop specializing in all sorts of dolls. They were holding an event for their 16th anniversary and had several fashion doll designers there signing dolls. Of course, DoA is for ABJD owners, so all the folks in the organized meet had various resin dolls.


With Rin, Sakura, and accessories packed, it was time to hit the road!

Continue reading “Going to a doll meet!”

Welcome Sakura!

I’ve had a rash of Dollfie related updates lately and today will be no exception! After several months of waiting, Sakura has arrived at my home! Dressing Dollfies has become somewhat second nature to me by now, as has taking pictures of them in public places. I’m not sure whether or not to be happy about that or to be worried… ^.^;;


Isn’t she cute? The thing that took the most time was getting the wig on. It was hard getting it on in a place where her hair wasn’t hanging in front of her eyes. It was also the first time I’d used a silicone wig cap instead of a cloth one, so it took lots of adjustment to get everything in the right place!

Continue reading “Welcome Sakura!”